Challéat, S., Farrugia, N., Froidevaux, J.S.P., Gasc, A., Pajusco, N., Silent Cities project consortium. 2024. A dataset of acoustic measurements from soundscapes collected worldwide during the COVID-19 pandemic. Sci Data. 11 (928).
Bennett, J.R., Edwards, B.P.M., Bergman, J.N., Binley, A.D., Buxton, R.T., Hanna, D.E.L., Hanson, J.O., Hudgins, E.J., Karimi, S., Raymond, C.V., Robichaud, C.D., and Rytwinski, T. 2024. How ignoring detection probably hurts biodiversity conservation. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. e2782.
Buxton, R.T., Hudgins, E.J., Robichaud, C., Halsall, T., Lavigne, E., Villeneuve, P.J., Prince-Ware, S.A., Pearson, A.L., and Bennett, J.R. 2024. Mental health is positively associated with biodiversity in Canadian cities. Nature Communications Earth and Environment. 5 (310)
Pearson, A. L., Pfeiffer, K. A., Buxton, R. T., Horton, T. H., Gardiner, J., Asana, V. 2023. Four recommendations to tackle the complex reality of transdisciplinary, natural experiment research. Frontiers in Public Health 11.
Buxton, R.T., Pearson, A.L., Lin, H.Y., Sanciangco, J.C., Bennett, J.R. 2023. Exploring the relationship between bird diversity and anxiety and mood disorder hospitalization rates. Geo: Geography and Environment 10 (2): e127.
Pearson, A. L., Zhou, Y., Buxton, R.T., Horton, T.H., Pfeiffer K.A., Beyer, K.M.M. 2023. The effects of contemporary redlining on the mental health of Black residents. SSM - Population Health 23: 101462.
Kleist, N., Fristrup, K.M., Buxton, R.T., McKenna, M.F., Job, J.R., Angeloni, L.M., Crooks, K.R., and Wittemyer, G. 2023. Anthropogenic noise events perturb acoustic communication networks. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 22: 1149097.
Schuster, R., Buxton, R.T., Hanson, J.O., Binley, A.D., Pittman, J., Tulloch, V., La Sorte, F.A., Roehrdanz, P.R., Verberg, P.H., Rodewald, A.D., Wilson, S., Possingham, H.P., Bennett, J.R. 2023. Protected area planning to conserve biodiversity in an uncertain future. Conservation Biology 37 (3): e14048.
Holmes, N. D., Buxton, R. T., Jones, H. P., Sánchez, F. M., Oppel, S., Russell, J. C., Spatz, D. R. , Samaniego, A. 2023. Chapter 15 - Conservation of marine birds: Biosecurity, control, and eradication of invasive species threats. In Conservation of Marine Birds: 403-438. Young, L. , VanderWerf, E. (Eds.): Academic Press.
Lemieux, C.J., Groulx, M.W., Buxton, R.T., Blye, C.J., Reining, C.E., Hassen, N., Harding, S.L.P., Halpenny, E.A., Lem, M., Jakubec, S.L., Wright, P., Makletzoff, T., Kerry, M., Keenleyside, K., Salah van der Leest, P., Bueddefeld, J., Lemelin, R.H., Carruthers Den Hoed, D., Steinberg, B., Moon, R., Scott, J., Grant, J., Khan, Z., Carr, D., McLaughlin, L., Krehbiel, R. 2022. The ‘Healthy Parks-Healthy People’ movement in Canada: progress, challenges, and an emerging knowledge and action agenda. Parks 28 (1): 7-21.
Proctor, C.A., Schuster, R., Buxton, R.T., Bennett, J.R. 2022. Prioritization of public and private land to protect species at risk habitat. Conservation Science and Practice. e12771.
Soroye, P., Edwards, B.P.M., Buxton, R.T., Ethier, J., Frempong-Manso, A., Keefe, H., Berberi, A., Roach-Krajewski, M., Binley, A., Vincent, J., Cooke, S.J., Bennett, J. 2022. The risks and rewards of community science for threatened species monitoring. Conservation Science and Practice 4(9) e12788.
Cooke, S.J., Michaels, S., Nyboer, E.A., Schiller, L., Littlechild, D.B.R., Hanna, D.E.L., Robichaud, C.D., Murdoch, A., Roche, D., Soroye, P., Vermaire, J.C., Nguyen, V.M., Young, N., Provencher, J.F., Smith, P.A., Mitchell, G.W., Avery-Gomm, S., Davy, C.M., Buxton, R.T., Rytwinski, T., Fahrig, L., Bennett, J.R., Auld, G. 2022. Reconceptualizing Conservation. PLOS Sustainability and Transformation 1 (5): e0000016.
Buxton, R.T., Hamit, S., Geauvreau, J.J.W., Davis, S., Smith, P.A., Smith, P.A., Bennett, J. 2022. Balancing research, monitoring, and action to recover Canada’s species at risk. Environmental Science and Policy 132: 198-205.
Lin, H.Y., Binley, A., Schuster, R., Rodewald, A.D., Buxton, R.T., Bennett, J.R. 2022. Improving the understanding of threatened species distribution using community science data. Biological Conservation 268 (36): 109523.
Bergman, J., Buxton, R.T., Lin, H.Y., Lenda, M. Attinello, K., Hajdasz, A., Rivest, S., Nguyen, T., Cooke, S., Bennett, J. 2022. Evaluating the benefits and risks of social media for wildlife conservation. FACETS 7 (1): 360-397.
Linares, C.G., Buxton, R.T., Phillips, R.A. 2022. Monitoring white-chinned petrel activity and abundance using bioacoustics techniques. Emu 122(4): 1-12.
Pearson, A.L., Horton, T., Buxton, R.T., Pfeiffer, K.A., Gardiner, J., Hunter, R.F. Contact with nature as a mental health buffer for lower income communities during the COVID-19 pandemic. Frontiers in Sustainable Cities 3: 688473.
Cooke, S.J., Soroye, P., Brooks, J.L. Clarke, J., Jeanson, A.L., Berberi, A., Piczak, M.L., Reid, C.H., Desforges, J. E., Guay, J.D., Drake, A.K., Jardine, A.M., Ethier, J.P., Keefe, H.E., Medd, A.M., Edwards, B.P.M., Reeve, C., Perkovic, A., Frempong-Manso, A., LaRochelle, L., Patterson, S., Roach-Krajewski, M., Howarth, A., Bard, B., Harmsen, E.J., Robichaud, J., Serré, S., Bihun, C.J., Buxton, R.T., Nguyen, V.M., Woodall, L.C., Sutherland, W.J., and Bennett, J.R. 2021. Ten considerations for conservation policy makers for the post-COVID-19 transition. Environmental Reviews 29 (2): 111-118.
Kadykalo, A., Buxton, R.T., Morrison, P., Anderson, C., Bickerton, H., Francis, C. M., Smith, A., Fahrig, L. 2021. Bridging research and practice in conservation. Conservation Biology 35 (6): 1725-1737.
Buxton, R.T., Bennett, J.R., Reid, A.J., Shulman, C., Cooke, S.J., Francis, C.M., Nyboer, E., Pritchard, G., Binley, A., Avery-Gomm, S., Ban, N.C., Beazley, K.F., Bennett, E., Blight, L.K., Bortolotti, L.E., Camfield, A.F., Gadallah, Z., Jacob, A.L., Naujokaitis-Lewis, I., Raudsepp-Hearne, C., Roche, D.G., Soulard, F., Stralberg, D., Sadler, K.D., Solarik, K.A., Ziter, C.D., Brandt, J., McKindsey, C., Greenwood, D.A., Boxall, P.C., Ngolah, C.F., Chan, K.M.A., Lapen, D., Poser, S., Girard, J., DiBacco, C., Hayne, S., Orihel, D., Lewis, D.W., Littlechild, D., Marshall, S.J., McDermott, L., Whitlow, R., Browne, D., Sunday, J., and Smith, P.A. 2021. Key information needs to move from knowledge to action for biodiversity conservation in Canada. Biological Conservation 256: 108983.
Buxton, R. T., and Pearson, A.L., Allou, C., Fristrup, K., and Wittemyer, G. 2021. A synthesis of health benefits of natural sounds and their distribution in national parks. PNAS 118 (14): e2013097118.
Kleist, N., Buxton, R.T., Lendrum, P., Linares, C., Crooks, K.R., and Wittemyer, G. 2021. Noise and landscape features influence habitat use of mammalian herbivores in a natural gas field. Journal of Animal Ecology 90 (4): 875-885.
Vincelette, H., Buxton, R.T., Kleist, N., McKenna, M., Betchkal, D., and Wittemyer, G. 2021. Insights on the effect of flight traffic on avian vocal activity. Ibis 163 (2): 353-365.
Buxton, R. T., Nyboer, E., Pigeon, K., Raby, G., Rytwinsky, T., Gallager, A., Schuster, R., Lin, H. Y., Lenore, F., Bennett, J., Cooke, S., Roche, D. 2021. Avoiding wasted research resources in conservation science. Conservation Science and Practice 3 (2): e329.