Using bioacoustics to explore factors affecting avian diversity and occupancy in Detroit, Michigan

Restoring nature in cities can bolster bird populations while bolstering people’s health.

The natural world and human health are inextricably linked, even in highly urbanized areas, and investigating these linkages can have meaningful applications to biodiversity conservation and the wellbeing of residents.  Our team is using bioacoustics to investigate factors that affect avian diversity and occupancy in Detroit, Michigan, and the potential use of acoustic indices to monitor urban biodiversity. This is in collaboration with the Study of Active Neighborhoods in Detroit (StAND) project to explore the impact of meadow restoration on bird communities and health of Detroit residents. We are also collaborating with “Detroit Bird City” (, Audubon Detroit, and local communities to conduct this research that will contribute to a larger understanding of the potential synergy between biodiversity and human health.


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